Every citizen has in some way been affected by the various wars and conflicts our nation has fought over the years. A goal for our Vote in Honor of a Veteran Program is to encourage voter participation and to educate our younger voters about the sacrifices our veterans have made to preserve their right to vote. We believe there is no greater way to honor our veterans than by casting a ballot on Election Day. By exercising our right to vote, we show veterans the respect they deserve for protecting our right to vote. Veteran's who submit their biography to the Vote in Honor of a Vet program may be asked to participate in outreach events to educate young voters, though your participation is not necessary. Although the program is geared towards our younger voters the Supervisor of Elections Office is encouraging all citizens of Franklin County to Vote in Honor of a Veteran
Veterans complete and submit a short biography and picture on a Vote in Honor of a Vet Veteran Biography Form. The form may be completed by veterans or by family members of deceased veterans or those missing in action.
We need your participation to make this valuable program a success.
Please come by our office to pick up a form - completed forms should be returned to the address at the bottom of the form. You may make copies of the Veteran Biography Form and distribute them as you wish.
If you should have any questions, please contact Jennifer Hicks at 850-653-9520